Monogrammed bags, handbags and purses add a special final touch to a wardrobe and make the owner feel unique and special. Who doesn’t like to see their initials or name embossed in leather on a luxury handbag?
Do you own a luxury handbag and wondered where you could get the little leather tag attached monogrammed? Look no further than Inkwell Designers.
We have an embossing machine which allows us to monogram bags, handbags and purses with a special touch. You can choose from debossing with no color or foil embossing using rose gold, 23K gold and silver as well as choose your font type between Arial and Times New Roman. (Times shown above and below.)
We can turn around your monogrammed bags around within 48 hours. Each monogram is $45 to complete. We also emboss and deboss bags, bibles, books and many other leather items. Don’t forget about our Personalized Gift Design Service. $50 embossing or engraving any item you bring or send us and FREE shipping!
Want us to monogram bags and leather items at your store or event? Look no further than our event page for more details. Our machine is portable and we can set it up on any sturdy table with an electrical outlet.