Custom vinyl and heat sublimation have been two services our clients have begged us to offer. We are proud to say we can now offer these services to our clients all over the world. We can design and create custom gifts for our clients aged 0 to 100 years old!

It all began when our CEO, Desiree Colonna, started making shirts and onesies on the side for her new great-nephew, Ashton. Whenever Ashton wore the shirts, people would stop her niece, Krista and ask where she got them. Even her doctor asked about the custom vinyl shirts when she took Ashton in for his appointments.

Ashton was the perfect model and soon began appearing on Inkwell’s Instagram page. It seems as if custom vinyl design was the next chapter for our small family business. Our clients love our custom and personalized gifts.
What was really fun was to find out we could do custom vinyl and heat sublimation on leather, acrylic and other items you typically don’t think of.
Here is a leather baseball we created with heat sublimation vinyl for a groom’s wedding party. The baseballs were a huge hit and more orders are coming in daily.

Soon Desiree began experimenting with glitter, hologram and infusible ink vinyl on her own shirts. They’ve started to sell quickly both online and offline. There are no limits to what we can create for our clients! We can even take a hand drawn picture or signature and add it to any item.

The best part is we can take this show on the road and create custom gifts at events with precut custom vinyl designs and a heat press! The possibilities are limitless!
If you are interested in having custom designed t-shirts, mugs, coasters, baseballs, onesies, etc. created, please contact us for a quote. We give large discounts for multiple items. Our phone number is 833 INK WE11 or 933 465 9311. We’d love to create something wonderful and unique for your next occasion, gifting experience or event!