Logo embossing is one of our specialties. We can create a logo stamping die from your 300 dpi vector image and hand stamp almost any item you bring to us from anywhere you purchase it. We can handle real leather and faux leather (in most cases). However, we get the best results from real leather so please keep that in mind when choosing your items.
A great example of a recent logo embossing project is pictured below. We embossed this leather file folder below for retirees from Delta Community Credit Union.
We were able to take their electronic logo file, create and cut a die and emboss it on leather file folders purchased from a local office supply store in Atlanta. Delta Community corporate sent us their logo and we created the die pictured below.
We loaded the die in our machine, heated it up to 300 degrees and hand stamped each item for about 10 seconds. We were able to turn this project around quickly. Typical logo embossing project turnaround is 7 to 10 business days.
We offer both debossing with no color and embossing with gold, silver or virtually any color foil. Here are more examples of our embossing and debossing projects. We’ve worked with many companies including Delta Air Lines, Mount Holyoke College, Mazda and Coca-Cola.
We work with large and small companies with any size order from 1 to 300 items.
We also offer on site embossing at trade shows, conventions and private events all around the country where we monogram items already stamped with a corporate logo.
If you are interested in ordering a custom logo die and having your items hand stamped with care, please contact us directly at 833 465 9311. We can’t wait to get started!