Metal marking and engraving are two of our newest and most asked for services here at Inkwell Designers. We use our fiber laser to mark and engrave on any surface of stainless steel, aluminum, titanium, pewter and more including both the handle and the blade of steel knives without ruining the knife or steel blade itself.
We can also engraving hard to reach areas by hand if needed. There is no need for Cermark or any marking spray with our fiber laser. The engraving is clean, precise and efficient.
We can add your own signature or handwriting to any stainless steel or metal object.
We’ve worked with our local film and television industry marking items for shows, studios and corporate gifts such as Netflix and Disney Studios.
One of the benefits of metal marking and engraving items is to help identify your property and assure others won’t try to steal them. Most people see the engraving and leave them alone due to the easy identification. We can add any words, phrases or logos.
Metal marking and engraving can be done on most uncoated metals including:
- Aluminum
- Brass
- Bronze
- Chrome
- Pewter
- Stainless Steel
- Titanium
- Copper
- Gold
- Silver
- Tool Steel
Metal marking and engraving is permanent and won’t come off even in the dishwasher or with steel wool. We can also deep engrave metal items including firearms, knives, jewelry, urns and more. Our 50W fiber laser is powerful and precise.
We can mark and engrave all types of items including:
- Knives
- Wedding Cake Knife Sets
- Tools
- Urns
- Firearm Parts
- Lighters
- Flatware
- Golf Markers
- Dishes and Plates
- Chrome Automotive and Motorcycle Parts
- Flasks
- Yeti Cups
- Axes
- Kitchen Tools
- Medical Tools
- Automotive Tools
- Trophy Plates
- Keychains
- Jewelry
- Any uncoated metal item
We can metal mark or engrave a monogram, logo, name or images of any kind on most uncoated metal items. Contact us at (833) INK-WE11 or (833) 465-9311 or click here to find out more about our metal marking and engraving services. We returns calls and emails same day most days. We look forward to talking to you!